Sifra on Leviticus according to Vatican MS Assemani 66 of distinguished provenance, accompanied by Midrash Hakhamim, JTS MS 4937A. With variant readings to the Sifra from manuscripts and early editions, sorted and interpreted, and references to passages in rabbinic and rishonim literature, augmented and interpreted.
The commentary of Rabbenu Avraham B. David (RaBaD) of Posquierres complete and correct according to reliable manuscripts, with select variant readings, references and commentary.
The supercommentary Heber haKohanim by R. Hayyim Hebraya, edited from a JTS manuscript, with sources and explanatory notes.
Sifrei Hayyim by R. Hayyim Capusi to Mekhilta de-Miluim from a Moscow-Guenzburg manuscript, with sources and explanatory notes.
Scholarly introductions and detailed indices to Sifra and its commentaries.
Edited by: Rabbi Avraham Shoshana and Rabbi Noam Shoshana