- Dr. Alex Grobman, Lifestyles Magazine
compelling collection of thoughts on the weekly Torah portion.
Leibowitz pursues a journey of philosophical discovery revealing
rational views on the nature of God."
- Jerusalem Post
erudite Professor Leibowitz passed away in 1994, but he has left us
with fresh thoughts on the weekly Torah portion. He was a Professor of
Science at Hebrew University, having immigrated to Palestine in 1935 at
the age of 31. His weekly commentaries on the parsha reveal his radical
ideas on the nature of God and God's relationship to humans, he
confronts the nature of prayer, and our concept of holiness in the
world. He promotes the idea of compliance with the law for its own sake,
and not for reward or punishment.
example, take his commentary on Noach: the Tower of Babel is to forego
the flood, but look at the world after the flood. Was it a world as evil
as the pre-flood world? Was the dispersion of people after Babel a
punishment? Maybe it wasn't a punishment? Maybe it was a reward,
allowing for a difference in thought and practice and a
decentralization. Maybe Babel was a story of conformity, centralization
and totalitarianism. Dispersion ended this. This is a very fresh
thought, no?
Or take Vayeshev, the
story of Jacob and Joseph and Egypt, and the sentence "Joseph was
BROUGHT DOWN to Egypt." Is it actually a story of free will and
determinism, a story of antinomies and paralogisms? Leibowitz focuses on
midrash and writings that define the word "dealing and deeds" as
"making a false accusation." He delves into the idea of God bringing
deeds into the world and upon man, and later places the blame on man for
these deeds, and the idea that the strife between the brothers and the
sale of Joseph was pre-ordained, since it was known that the Hebrews
would be slaves in Egypt for 400 years. In his four page discussion of
Korach, he ties this parsha to parasha of tzitzit, and the end of the
Shema which is recited daily. Korach, Leibowitz writes, rebelled against
Moses saying "for all the community, all of them are holy." But,
Leibowitz continues, the tzitzit idea of holiness (which appears in the
paragraph above the Korach story) differs from that of Korach. The
tzitzit concept of holiness is one to be strived for, it is a goal;
while Korach believes it is something that is granted. Korach has
absolved himself of responsibility, he boasts that he is a member of a
holy nation, even though he is contemptible. Are the people holy or do
they become holy through their actions and performance of certain tasks?
Guess what, the ideas from Korach did not end when he was swallowed up
by the Earth. They continue today. If you enjoy these ideas, buy the
- Larry Marks, MyJewishBooks.com
present volume - the translation of the transcripts of his weekly
broadcasts on IDF radio 1985-86 - contains many opinions which are still
controversially relevant today. Perhaps most striking is his acceptance
of the Islamic occupation of the Temple Mount as being true worship.
Quoting a Midrash written during Muslim rule before the Christian
conquest in the Crusades, he says: "The Temple which stands there today,
the Temple of another religion, is not a place of idolatry. This Temple
is one of a religion which acknowledges the unity of God, which
worships God even if it did not receive the Torah and does not worship
God through the observance of the mitzvot."
he still been alive today, he would definitely have been in the peace
camp. He does not flinch from criticising biblical figures, especially
King David, who was, he considers, flawed by bloodshed and corruption.
He describes violent means as achieving legitimate goals as curses for
future generations: "This is what can be said about the achievements of
the Jewish people when they are achieved through flawed and improper
means, and worst of all - through bloodshed."
Leibowitz's unflinching criticism, both of the biblical heroes of the
past and the Israeli government of his day, stem not from angry
rebellion but from a man who sets almost impossibly high standards of
is sancrosanct. Salvation is not assured. It has to be deserved. God
must be worshiped for His sake, and not for ours. Even gaining enjoyment
from religious observance is suspect. This book is not just a
collection of commentaries, but an important historical, philosophical
- Doreen Wachmann, Jewish Telegraph
book is a collection of short essays on the weekly Torah reading based
on the 15 minute radio broadcasts that the author was asked to deliver
in 1985/6 on Galei zahal, the IDF radio station in Israel. Each short
essay offers comment on one of the many topics contained in each sidra,
on one of its aspects, on one of its verses, sometimes on a single word
within it, or on a comment found in the midrashic literature or in the
traditional commentaries.
is first and foremost a philosopher, and it is certainly with this in
mind that we can appreciate the approach that he takes towards the
parsha each week. From each sidra (all the double parshiot are presented
as one essay) he takes a theological and philosophical approach to an
idea contained in the sedra, bringing his unique approach to it.
Leibowitz has a holistic (and sometimes controversial) approach to
Jewish thought and texts and he allows this to permeate the way he
learns each sedra.
approaches each sidra as a living breathing text that is as relevant to
the contemporary generation as any other, applying the ideas he
discusses to real life experiences and issues that he has considered.
Each essay is short and concise, making them a manageable read. Those
that enjoy his approach will certainly enjoy these essays and find them a
pleasurable read each week to stimulate and at least trigger further
discussion on the themes of the weekly parsha."
- Daniel Rose, Lookstein Jewish Education Digest
1985, The IDF radio station Galei Zahal gave the late scientist and
philosopher Yeshayahu Leibowitz the chance to give a series of short
talks on the Torah portion of the week. Accepting the Yoke of Heaven is a compilation of those transcripts, with some additions and clarifications to accommodate the change from speech to text.
theme underlying these...homilies is Leibowitz's conviction that the
Jews' obligation to observe the commandments is an end in itself. As he
points out in his talk on Vayikra: "...a person does not assume the yoke
of Torah and mitzvot because God's voice reacheses him, but God's voice
reaches a person who accepts upon himself the yoke of Torah and
mitzvot. Faith is not given to man from the outside.
Read [Accepting the Yoke of Heaven]... whenever you have a few minutes you want to spend in the company of a fine mind "talking Torah."
- Gershom Gale, Jerusalem Post
wife and I had the memorable experience of hearing one of Prof.
Yeshayahu Leibowitz' last public lectures in Jerusalem before his death
in 1994. At 90, this scientist, philosopher and religious scholar was
physically fragile and needed the moderator to repeat his words so that
in the packed room could hear. Despite his infirmity, he was
sharp-tongued and impatient with what he considered foolish questions.
Israel's most controversial social critic lived up to his reputation of
being a profound religious philosopher while being an outspoken
of the religious, Zionist and secular communities as well as the Israeli
there was another side of this national iconoclast. In the mid 1980's,
every Friday afternoon on Israeli radio, Prof. Leibowitz would comment
on the weekly Torah portion-- for 12 minutes. In this ridiculously short
time-slot, he simply talked (with no written preparation) on a word,
phrase or idea that called his attention. His style was concise, wise
and quietly
Accepting the Yoke of Heaven is
an edited version of 49 radio talks, covering a yearly cycle of Torah
Prof. Leibowitz' main themes in the Book of Genesis are the roles of our
forbears. He often connected their life experiences with contemporary
issues, such as the Holocaust with Abraham's ultimate test of faith,
Zionism with the discord between Sarah and Hagar, and the dynamics of
related to Jacob's deception of Esau. In Exodus, the author presents his
approach to Jewish law and halakhic authority in the portion of
Mishpatim (Ex. 21). He is clear and articulate in his argument that the
written law can never be understood without the serious study of oral
law and, in fact, the oral law often "overturns" the literal words of
the Torah. In Numbers, he discussed the mitzvah of tzitzit in relation
to Socrates and Kant, while a few chapters later he discusses the
parallelism between the gentile prophet Balaam and Jesus. And so it
goes. Each short essay focuses on an intriguing phrase or theme, which
he explicates with quiet logic and reason. Prof. Leibowitz
comfortably quotes the Bible, the Talmud, midrashic literature, legal
responsa, philosophy, science and history, but always displays his
intellect in ways, which make profound ideas of Judaism accessible to
short essay leaves the reader with an
intellectual smile of satisfaction. If you would like to experience a
few minutes of "oneg Shabbat" (Sabbath enjoyment), while being
stimulated to think deeply, I would heartily recommend reviewing the
weekly Torah portion in this wonderful little volume of talks."
- Dr. Steve Bailey, Australian Jewish News
Leibowitz [was] the Israeli iconoclast who took his society to task for
its capitulation to so many religious and political temptations. A
modern prophet of fury, Leibowitz, who died in 1992 at age 89, hounded
his fellow Jews for their ill use of Judaism in the service of politics,
insisting that service of God is the only true expression of the Jewish
religion. This led him to clash with practically the entire religious
establishment of Israel, in particular through his vociferous
condemnation of the settlements and denial of the religious significance
of the state. Till now, besides a book on Maimonides, English readers
have only had access to his important collection, Judaism, Human Values,
and the Jewish State....
Not only is this new book, Accepting the Yoke of Heaven, a
simpler, lucid exposition of Leibowitz's extraordinary religious
devotion, but it also testifies to the overflow of that devotion into
the service of individuals and the public at large. True, he argued
vehemently that religion is about serving God irrespective of all human
needs, including morality and politics. Yet this book shows that the
pure service of God he promoted also demands the betterment of one's
moral character.... The result is a set of three-page commentaries on
each Torah reading that reflect the paradoxical beauty of his religious
and moral integrity. The central motif is the purification of religious
service, which should make this collection required reading for three
types of readers (the Orthodox person sufficiently spirited to have his
or her beliefs contested.... the atheist.... to the culturalist who
reads the Bible as a work of historical, moral and anthropological
Leibowitz's reflections revolve around the singular notion of pure
religious service, readers will enjoy original insights into questions
of free will versus determination, totalitarianism, political
leadership, and the relationship between the Written Torah and the Oral
- Michael Fagenblat, The Jerusalem Report