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Likutei Halakhos- Likutei Moharan - Mareh Mekomos and Tzuras Hadaf

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Author: Rebbe Nachman / Reb Noson I 6" x 9"I Volumes: 9 I Publishing: Keren Odesser
Likutei Halakhos- Likutei Moharan - Mareh Mekomos and Tzuras Hadaf
15362 197.65
Second in importance only to Rebbe Nachman's original writings, Likkutei Halakhos is Reb Noson's masterwork. Using key ideas from the lessons in Likkutei Moharan as his guide, Reb Noson explores the mystical underpinnings of the laws in Shulchan Arukh. His creative genius is evident on every page as he weaves a tapestry of Chassidic wisdom that combines meditations on kabbalistic mysteries with down-to-earth advice on dealing with the challenges of everyday life.This latest edition contains the following: eight volumes of Likutei Halakhos with marei mekomos (references) and the original tzuras hadaf. The ninth volume contains Likutei Moharan with the classical mefarshim (Parparaos Lechachma, Beivei Hanachal, Mei Nachal)
Weight 17 lbs
Sku: 15362
$ 197.65

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