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Rabbi Eliezer Papo : Pele Yoetz (2 volumes - English)

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By: Rabbi Eliezer Papo / Translator: Rabbi Shmuel Kurtz | Publisher: Noam Eliezer Institution | Language: English | Volumes: 2 | Pages: 873 | Binding: Hard | ISBN: 9789659176502 | First Time Ever in English !
Rabbi Eliezer Papo : Pele Yoetz (2 volumes - English)
6722 69
Profound Advice for a Successful Jewish Life.

The Pele Yoetz is a classical moral treatise and compilation of essential Jewish concepts which Rabbi Eliezer Papo (1785-1828) organized according to topics in the order of the Hebrew alphabet.

The first entry in the book is "Ahavah" (love of G-d) and it discusses sanctifying the name of the Holy One Blessed Be He. The closing entry is "Teshuvah" (salvation) and it implores us to seek salvation not just as a nation, but also as individuals, who place their trust in an omniscient Creator. In between are many of the most fundamental principals, essential philosophical tenets, and ethical teachings of Judaism. Each entry in the book is written in a beautiful and articulate language that is accessible and inspiring to all people.

Although written almost two hundred years ago. its eternal message and sage advice speak profoundly to the core issues of today.

The Noam Eliezer Institutions of torah and Chesed - named after our holy rabbi, Rabbi Eliezer of Papo , which radiate their splendor throughout Jerusalem - have set their goal to increase torah learning and chesed in accord with the request of our holly rabbi.

Weight 3.5 lbs
Sku: 6722
$ 69.00

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