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To Remain a Jew : To Remain a Jew

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Publisher: Feldheim | Pages: 509 | Volumes : 1 | Format: Hard Cover | ISBN: 9781598265248 |
To Remain a Jew : To Remain a Jew
9493 33.75
A Magnificent Read--An Inspirational Life!

In the biting, forbidding winds of Communist Russia, one man staunchly refused to submit. Not through terrible imprisonment, and not under the threat of mortal peril. In this magnificent story, Rav Yitzchak Zilber's devotion and sacrifice for Torah Judaism under oppression shines through in the bleakness of what was. The "father" to countless unfortunate Jews in the Soviety Union and Eretz Yisrael, and an extraordinary figure in the kiruv movement in Eretz Yisrael and in the Diaspora, Rav Yitzchok was renowned for standing up for his beliefs and encouraging hundreds of others to do the same. With photographs, anecdotes, and a compelling tone, this autobiography, comprised of accounts Rav Zilber told during his lifetime, is truly an uplifting read. Translated from the original Russian and Hebrew editions.

Weight 2.6 lbs
Sku: 9493
$ 33.75

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