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Asking Hashem - Rabbi Avigdor Miller

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Paperback, 160 pages.
Asking Hashem - Rabbi Avigdor Miller
10163 20.49
You can merit a year of generous livelihood, health, and all good things. In Rabbi Avigdor Miller's Asking Hashem, learn how to win favor with Hashem — every year, and any time of year:

•Understand the purpose of prayer — on Rosh Hashana and all year round

•How to win out over bad times in the year ahead

•Why being happy is a foundation of emunah (faith)

•Experience the joy of Yom Hadin (the Day of Judgment)

•How to generate love for Hashem from a pleasurable experience

•And more...

Weight 0.6 lbs
Sku: 10163
$ 20.49

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