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Grammar for Gemara & Targum Onkelos

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Author Rabbi Yitzhak Frank I Binding Hardcover
Grammar for Gemara & Targum Onkelos
13910 47.83

Grammar for Gemara and Targum Onkelos: an Introduction to Aramaic, by Yitzhak Frank, is an exceptional resource for those wishing to read, learn, and translate the Talmud Bavli or Targum Onkelos.

It is the standard for Jewish Babylonian Aramaic grammars, comparable in calibre to the leading Latin and Greek ones.,This reference work addresses the common grammatical pitfalls of the classical Hebraist attempting to translate Aramaic.

Serious attention to detail found in the typesetting and formatting makes it easy to understand. The binding and high-quality paper makes this book very durable. Although it does deal with syntax and important points of grammar, the main thrust of this publication is about detailing important Aramaic-verb paradigms along with their pertinent background information. The verb tables are what sets this book apart.,This is a must-have publication for anyone wanting to study the Talmud or Gemara in Aramaic.

Weight 1.5 lbs
Sku: 13910
$ 47.83

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