The Talmud (Berakhot 7b) relates that ''Attending to one's teacher of Torah is more meritorious than studying under him'' – גדולה שימושה של תורה יותר מלימודה.
This work is a compilation of seventy edited conversations conducted between our great Rebbe, HaGaon HaRav Joseph B. Soloveitchik zt''l (1903-1993) and me predominantly while in transit.
''My Shabbat, Parshat Zakhor, was transformed into a Shabbat of sweet memories of the past years. It appears to me that all those who studied with the Rav z''l will enjoy this sefer, for it encompasses both halakhic issues as well as issues of Hashkafa....'' - Rabbi Hershel Schachter, Rosh Yeshiva and Rosh Kollel, Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary (YU)
''I sat down this afternoon just to peruse it casually, but I could not put [it] down until I read the entire book. Yishar ko'ah gadol. It is one thing to read the Rov's magnifcent intellectual and religious gems - which I continue to do - but reading firsthand reports of his derekh hahayyim provides very important insights into the Rov as a person, as a Halakhic thinker, and as one who knows how to apply Halakhah in the context of Halakhic public policy. His gadlus was in all of those areas'' - Rabbi Carmi Horowitz, Professor Emeritus of Jewish Thought and Intellectual History, Michlalah Jerusalem College
''The Rav, Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik, zt''l, represented in his life's work this dimension of the Aron. He protected the integrity of our traditions, both intellectual and practical, from all illicit incursions into the Holy of Holies.... He made Torah portable, relevant and alive even in the modern environment, far from the protected existence he had known as a child.'' - Rabbi Menachem Genack, CEO, OU Kosher
About the Author
Rabbi Dr. Aaron Adler is a former student of, and special assistant to, Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik, zt''l. In addition to being a graduate of Yeshiva University in New York (B.A./M.A), with rabbinic ordination from Y.U.'s Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary (R.I.E.T.S.), R' Adler holds a Ph.D in Talmud from Bar Ilan University. R' Adler and his family made aliyah in 1979. He served on the faculty of Bar Ilan University, and is a past president and campus rabbi at Emunah College for Arts and Technology in Jerusalem. He has been a lecturer for the Israel Defense Forces and a commentator for Kol Yisrael radio. R' Adler was a member of the central committee of the National Religious Party. He is the founding Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshivat Bnei Akiva Ner Tamid, located in Hashmona'im, and currently serves as its President. R' Adler is an active community pulpit rabbi serving communities during the past 36 years in Long Island City, NY, Beersheva, Ramot-Jerusalem, Zurich-Switzerland, and most recently the Ohel Nechama community Synagogue in Katamon- Jerusalem. His current educational activities include: Lecturer at the Herzog College, OU Israel Center, Beit Tuvei Ha'ir, and the Kollel Sinai. Most recently, R' Adler has joined the faculty of the Bet Midrash Harel (Semikha-granting institution) focusing upon modern practical Halakha – methodology and application. R' Adler is a popular scholar-in-residence both in Israel and throughout the world. He has also organized and led over 30 Jewish-heritage tours to Poland, Lithuania, and Belarus.