When I think back to my
childhood, I remember my mother standing by the kitchen counter making
supper with the phone cradled in her neck. She was talking to her
friends, relatives, and answering tzedakah calls. Other than
those times that she was on the phone, she was available for me. I
wonder what my kids think of their childhood...How do they look at me? I
know that I am on my cell phone a lot. Is it the same thing?
About ten years ago, when I saw someone emailing during chazaras hashatz in
shul, I couldn't get over the concept of him sitting there-like, are
you texting G-d?? And I think back to that every so often as I text
during davening. I know I'm not as vigilant as I should be these
days. I don't have any good justification here; it's just too easy when
you hear that ping to look down and then fall into the habit...
Hash tags and apps and emojis and social media: the world of 2018.
Whether we like it or not, technology is here to stay. But that
doesn't mean our free choice is gone and that we must go with the flow
of the technology-obsessed world around us. We can take a stand, have a
long, hard look at technology and at what it does to us, and then decide
for ourselves whether or not we will submit to the lure of the
smartphone and all that comes along with it.
In TechTalk, that's exactly what Malka, Sarit, Mina, Zahava, Rochel, and Mordechai did.
These six brave souls kept a running journal of their use of
technology and their thoughts and feelings about it, over the course of a
year-and were astounded at their discoveries through their journeys.
No, they weren't throwing out their phones or cutting themselves off
from society at the end of the "experiment" yet each of them, being
honest, thinking individuals, found tremendous room for growth as they
explored their inner world via these journals.
You, too, can gain much inspiration and food for thought from their
candidness. For all those seeking an honest take on the affect of
technology in our lives-TechTalk is a true must-read!
From the author of 6 Diaries: Aliza Feder