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Mishnah Berurah : Mahadurat Dirshu (6 volumes)

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Publisher: Dirshu Hashem ve'Uzo | Language: Hebrew | Volumes: 6 | Binding: Hard |
Mishnah Berurah : Mahadurat Dirshu (6 volumes)
9094 95.83
The Dirshu Mishnah Berurah contains elements that will be craved by talmidei chachamim and laymen alike:

1)Halacha lema'aseh rulings on new modern day shailos

2)Previously unpublished insights noted on the pages of the personal Mishna Berurahs of Gedolei Yisrael

3)Additions and cross references simalar to "Musaf Rashi" found in many gemaras

4)Piskei Chazon Ish

5)Explanations to the Mishnah Berurah where unclear
Weight 16 lbs
Sku: 9094
$ 95.83

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