Preface 21
Acknowledgments 25
Biographical Notes 28
Jewish Law (Halacha) as Rebellion 35
One The Nature of Halacha
1. Halacha as Deliberate Chaos 51
Two The Contemporary Crisis of Halacha
2. The Future, Image, and Spirit of Halacha: Unconventional Thoughts in Relation to Autonomous Religiosity 63
3. Needed: Redemptive Halacha. How Halacha Must Transcend Itself 81
4. The Dangling Bridges of Halacha: Making Rules Where Rules Should Not Exist 99
5. Halacha and the Inadequacy of Jewish Dogma 103
6. The Expulsion of God in Halacha 107
Three The Meaning and Mystery of Halacha
7. The Ideal and Idyllic: A View of Halacha as Musical Notes 115
Five Between Frumkeit and Religiosity
15. Spinoza’s Blunder and Noach’s Misguided Religiosity 187
16. Mitzvot, Minhagim, and Their Dangers 193
17. Chumrot, Religious Frumkeit, and Religiosity 195
Six Halacha: Between Utopian Vision and Realistic Possibilities
18. Why the Kashrut Laws Were Given So Late 201
19. Sacrifices: Progressive or Regressive Judaism? Why Spinoza’s Ethics Were Not Given at Sinai 219
20. The Danger of Religion: Plato, Halacha, and Dreams 224
21. Chanuka and Halacha: Hypocrisy or Authenticity? 229
Seven Halacha, Moral Issues, and Ethical Dilemmas
22. The Abuse of Halacha: Keeping Halacha Under Control. The Purpose of Sefer Bereshit 237
23. There Is No Ideal Halacha: Halacha and Prisoner Exchange 1 246
24. There Is No Ideal Halacha: Halacha and Prisoner Exchange 2 250
25. Halacha Means Full Liberty. To Be Secular Would Be Hell: Everything Would Be Forbidden 254
26. The Supreme Court of the United States, Same Sex Marriages, and Other Prohibitions 258
On the Law of the Mamzer. Between Fairness and Holiness in Halacha:
Possible Solutions and Rabbinical Courage (The Theology of the Halachic
Loophole and the Meaning of Torah From Heaven) 263
Eight Halacha and the Meaning of Life
28. Halacha and Absurdity 1 303
29. Halacha and Absurdity 2 307
30. Halacha and Absurdity 3 312
Nine Halacha: Between the Rigid Letter and Creative Spirit
31. Halacha: The Art to Complicate Life. The Microscopic Search for God 317
32. Halacha: The Greatest Chess Game on Earth 322
33. Halacha, Legal Hairsplitting, and the Great Compliment 326
34. Pesach, the Paradox of Freedom, and Hefty Halachic Restrictions 331
Ten Halacha, Secular Society, and the State of Israel
35. The Menora, Left- and Right-Wingers: Theocracy, Democracy, and Halacha 335
36. Halacha and Secular Law: Duties or Rights? 339
37. The Halachic Toleration of Heresy: A Command to Cancel the Commandments 342
Eleven Practical Issues in Halacha
38. Take the Bike or Tram, Get a Free Coffee, and Observe Shabbat 347
39. Let Us Violate Shabbat so as to Sanctify It: The Holy Day and the Tel Aviv Railway 351
Twelve Conversion and Who is a Jew?
40. Soul Jews and Halachic Jews: Ideal and Reality 357
41. Conversion Is Not About Halacha 361
42. Conversion and Annie Fischer’s Interpretation of Schumann’s Klavierkonzert in A Minor 366
43. Courage, Rabbis, Courage! The Need for Mass Conversion 369
44. Why Did Ruth Convert Against All Odds? 373
45. Solving the Conversion Crisis. The Birth of Non-Jewish Jewish Communities: Another Approach 377
46. Solving the Conversion Crisis and Global Judaism 380
47. Solving the Conversion Crisis: New Halachic and Spiritual Criteria for Conversion 388
Thirteen Additional Thoughts
48. Rabbinical Courage and the Frozen Text 399
49. Are You Really Eating Kosher? On Camouflage, Hypocrisy, and Hiding Behind the Kashrut Laws 402
50. The Prohibition to Carry on Shabbat: Walking Mountains and the Buddha 406
Fourteen Rabbi Joseph Ber Soloveitchik – a Correspondence
51. The Genius and Limitations of Rabbi Joseph Ber Soloveitchik 413
52. Response by Tanya White 425
53. Rabbi Joseph Ber Soloveitchik and his Paradoxical Influence: An Answer to Tanya White 430
54. Second Response by Tanya White 439