Rabbi Mordechai Fachler's insights into the Yamim Noraim are captured in
this first written collection of his sermons. Each year, addressing
hundreds of congregants, he would explore a central theme that he
meticulously developed from Rosh Hashanah through Shemini Atzeret. His
superb oratory, infectious warmth, and zealous enthusiasm for the
subject matter captivated audiences, taking them on a journey of
discovery and appreciation of G-d's beauty everywhere. His sermons
taught them to feel G-d's love and perceive His oneness in a
multi-colored rainbow world. These ideas proved mentally stimulating and
spiritually satisfying, inspiring the listeners to become better Jews
and more sensitive human beings.
About the Author:
Rabbi Mordechai Fachler (1949-2010) was a highly respected Torah
scholar, educator, communal rabbi and therapist. Born in Letchworth, UK,
he studied Torah at the Be'er Yaakov and Mir yeshivot in Israel and
obtained an MA in Psychotherapy at London's Regents College. Rabbi
Fachler held several high-profile rabbinical and educational positions
in Johannesburg and London, and was one of the early pioneers in
tackling the unique challenges of integrating psychotherapy into
religious orthodox frameworks.
Praise for Hayom Harat Olam:
"These essays shine the brilliant light of Torah wisdom on the journey
of becoming more elevated, enlightened and inspired Jews. In these
writings, Rabbi Fachler's depth as a talmid chacham, wise psychologist,
and analyzer of human behaviour is on full and beautiful display."
- Chief Rabbi Dr. Warren Goldstein
"Rabbi Mordechai Fachler z"l spent his life teaching and spreading the
wisdom of Torah at all levels. He was an exceptional person who was a
source of inspiration and guidance in the lives of hundreds of people."
- Rabbi Dr. Alan Kimche