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Newly typeset - Fully menukad - It will transform the way you learn Megillos!
The best-selling Czuker Edition Mikra'os Gedolos Series now continues with an unprecedented Mikra'os Gedolos on Kesuv'im. Many mefarshim never before together on the Mikra'os Gedolos page - with many new additions.
Classic Mikra'os Gedolos commentaries: Targum Yonasan, Rashi, Likutei Radak, Rid, Ralbag, Minchas Shai, Biur HaGra, Mezudas David, Mezudas Tzion, Malbim Plus These Additional Commentaries: Mahari Kara, Maharal, Minchas Erev, Rishon LeTzion, Chomas Anach, Rabbenu Bachya Ibn Ezra, Megillas Starim, Rashbam, Alshich, Targum Sheni, Pas’shegen.