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Our Man in Dakar

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Author Aharon Dov Halperin I Translator Tuvia Natkin I Illustrator Mordechai Friedman
Our Man in Dakar
189021 23.95
This book is a translation of the Hebrew book "Verabim Heishiv Meiavon" by Rabbi Aharon Dov Haperin of the Kfar Chabad Magazine 'The words Verabim heishiv meiavon, ".. .and he brought many back from iniquity" - engraved on the headstones of the Lubavitcher Rebbeim - took on a new dimension during the Rebbe's leadership. As editor of Kfar Chabad Magazine I was fortunate to have close-up knowledge of innumerable wondrous missions initiated by the Rebbe to save Jews from assimilation and return them to their source. Many of these stories were published in the Chabad Worldwide series; other accounts - unrelated to the activities of the Rebbe's shluchim.
Weight 1.6 lbs
Sku: 189021
$ 23.95

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