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Prophets and scriptures read great things A series of prophets and scriptures from large readings in a new and magnificent edition, with all the commentaries: Rashi, Targum Yonatan, Radak, Rabbi Kara, Rid, Ralbag, attributed to Rabbi Kara, Citadel of David and Citadel of Zion, Menchat Shi , Rishon LeZion, Melbim. In this edition, a commentary on the Bible, a combined commentary on the verses of the prophets, sections of collections from the sermons of the Sages, a collection of ancients, an anthology of Rashi's commentaries, Rashi's collections, Baal Torim collections, and more were added to this edition. The series of books is now published, refined with a lot of grammar according to manuscripts and first types. The text of the book is fragmented and punctuated with a new division into biblical verses, with a nice and fine design, and full punctuation for all the commentators on the page, with all the commentaries arranged on the page around the biblical commentary. Various illustrations and aids have also been added in this edition, such as the contents of the book, designed bookmarks and many tables and charts.