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Kli Yakar, Bereishis - vol.1 ( Bereishis thru Toldot )

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By: Rabbi Shlomoh Efraim of Luntchitz | Publisher: Menucha Publishers | Language: English-Hebrew | Volumes: 1 | Pages: 382 | Binding: Hard |
Kli Yakar, Bereishis - vol.1 ( Bereishis thru Toldot )
9180 43.77
Elihu Levine's careful rendering of Kli Yakar includes bracketed explanations and footnotes that make this important work, written four hundred years ago by Rav Shlomo Efraim of Luntshits (1550-1619), accessible to the modern reader. Includes Chumash, Rashi, and Kli Yakar in the original Hebrew.

"Anyone reading this work must be impressed by the erudition, intellectual honesty, and intuitive wisdom...exhibited in this work" (from the introduction by Rabbi Berel Wein).

Volume 1 includes parashiyos Bereishis thru Toldot in the book of Bereishis.
Weight 2.3 lbs
Sku: 9180
$ 43.77

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Kli Yakar, Bereishis - vol.1 ( Bereishis thru Toldot )
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