Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn, sixth Lubavitcher Rebbe, defiantly worked to strengthen Judaism and fearlessly disseminated teachings of Chabad Chasidic philosophy. Going beyond his predecessors, he developed the custom of delivering sichot (informal talks)—incorporating stories and reminiscences of the earlier generations of Chabad Rebbes and Chasidim, along with instructive advice and guidance in the ways of Chasidism.
His first published sichot began to appear in 5692 (1932), in the form of periodical pamphlets. In later times, the sichot were printed in book form, arranged by year. While the majority of these sichot appear in Yiddish, as they were spoken, some are in Hebrew.
The volumes covering the tumultuous years of 1920-1939 contain comprehensive historical sketches of the Rebbe’s activities during this time, which the Rebbe spent in Communist Russia, Latvia, and Poland—and close to a year traveling abroad to the Holy Land and the USA. Included is the Rebbe’s first-person detailed account of his 1927 arrest, captivity and miraculous release.
Complete with notes, biographical details, cross references for further study, and indexes.