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HaAchim HaKedoshim - Rabbi Elimelech & Rabbi Zusha

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Publisher: Machon Zecher Naftali | Language: Hebrew | Volumes: 1 | Pages: 433 | Binding: Hard |
HaAchim HaKedoshim - Rabbi Elimelech & Rabbi Zusha
594 39.2
Stories of the lives of two righteous brothers Rabbi Elimelech of Lizensk and Rabbi Zusha of Anipoli, students of The Maggid of Mezritch. Both grew up to be major Chassidic leaders of their generation. [vowelized text / menukad]

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Weight 1.8 lbs
Sku: 594
$ 39.20

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HaAchim HaKedoshim - Rabbi Elimelech & Rabbi Zusha
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