Judaism encourages delving into our Torah, asking question upon question, and studying the commentaries of our great sages. This engaging sefer follows our time-honored tradition of examining our holy books, quoting selections of Tanach, the Talmud, tefillot, works of Jewish law, and more. It provides answers and valuable life lessons, citing a wide range of sources, from midrashim and mussar to Rav Moshe Feinstein and Rav Avigdor Miller; from Rashi and Rambam to the Vilna Gaon and the Rebbe of Gur. Each hiddush is short and easy to understand, yet uplifting and profound. This unique volume is also sprinkled with lighthearted, often humorous anecdotes that entertain as well as inspire.
Throughout the sefer, Mr. Mordechai E. Haddad, a true baal hakarat hatov, follows in the style of the Hovot Halevavot, analyzing how every facet of creation is a kindness of Hashem. He is ever mindful to draw his readers’ attention to the constant gratitude we must feel toward our Creator for all the blessings He endows us with every day, regardless of whether life is sunny or challenging.
A Treasury of Life Lessons can be read from beginning to end or opened to any page in one’s spare time. Since the entries are grouped according to theme, they are a useful resource for anyone seeking material for a shiur or a speech—whether on the topic of tefillah, honoring parents, hinuch, shalom, gratitude, middot, parnasah, tzedakah, mitzvot, Torah study, connecting to Hashem, and more. Every reader will come away with precious pearls of Torah wisdom—the ultimate treasure.