We so often study a book and simply skip its introduction. And yet, introductions are often where authors lay out their view of the world, the grand "big picture" they see the work fitting into.
In the introduction of his magnum opus, Shaarei Yosher, Rav Shimon Shkop outlines his view of the purpose of Judaism, our lives, the nature of holiness, and what it means to be a good person and in the "image" of G-d.
His vision is one that speaks to us today.
In this unique work by Rabbi Micha Berger, we use Rav Shimon Shkop's teachings as a guide to provide direction and give meaning to our own lives.
Rabbi Micha Berger has prodded our consciences for decades, demanding that we examine our avodah, our service of G-d, more critically and intelligently… In this work, he shows us how to extract exquisite meaning from the brief words of a modern Torah giant - Rav Shimon Shkop. His core message - that the development of the Torah personality demands widening circles of embrace of more and more people - is exciting and liberating.
Rabbi Yitzchok Adlerstein
About the Author:
Rabbi Micha Berger's teacher at Yeshivas Rabbeinu Yitzchak Elchanan, Rav Dovid Lifshitz, ignited in him a dream to infuse Jewish observance with love, Mussar and grounding in Jewish Thought. To that end, Rabbi Berger established The AishDas Society. AishDas assists synagogues and institutions develop meaningful programming and has been hosting the Avodah discussion forum for over 20 years. Rabbi Berger also taught for The Mussar Institute since its inception. He has spoken to audiences of a variety of backgrounds about Jewish Thought, Mussar, and the siddur. His work has been described in HaModia, Yated Neeman and OU Radio, as well as mention in Jewish Action and The Jerusalem Report.